July 6, 2007

Blog Meeting 1 - 20/09/2006

It was our first meeting. Maurício (10), Yaskara (10), Sicília (13), Talita (10), Anderson (11), Kátia (18) and Amon (21).
They were so excited! A bit shy, of course, but really anxious!!
We decided to have two groups. One group would meet on Wednesday mornings and the other would meet on Wednesday afternoons (I would supervise the afternoon group). And we would meet on Saturdays twice a month.
We talked about blogs, their previous knowledge on the subject, and we visited some blogs. In Portuguese, because that's their mother tongue.

My views: It's the first time I deal with a pedagogical setting that is not in English. Tha's my professional background. And it's so different from what I usually do. But I like it. I used my palmtop to record our conversation, but when I got home I noticed that the recording is awful. I have to try to find a way of getting a better recording.

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